JETS Workforce

The JETS Workforce Programme aims to update the workforce on service developments in endoscopy to ensure a structured approach to training, assessments, and appraisals.
JETS workforce's online e-portfolio holds endoscopy specific competency frameworks, DOPS, witness statements and reflective CPD statements that combine to create a platform that the endoscopy workforce will be able to use to submit their evidence of their practice. JETS workforce is envisaged to be used by current and new endoscopy staff irrespective of grade and title, and could be used to support the NMC and similar revalidation processes.
JETS workforce is comprised of three levels:
- Level one which consists of two sections (foundation and decontamination), has been reviewed, refined and finalised, with agreed competencies and supporting documents. Level one was made available to all JAG registered services on 1 April 2019.
- Level two will be developed later in 2019 and will consist of one section (advanced endoscopy).
- Development work for level three will start in 2020, and will consist of two sections: (management and leadership, and assessing clinical practice).
A training course has been developed to support the endoscopy workforce completing level one, named ENDO1. The course is made up of two parts, the first part being a half-day face-to-face training course which will cover four modules and the second part being e-learning, developed in conjunction with e-Learning for Health, which will cover five modules. Supporting courses for level two and three will be developed from 2020.
JETS workforce will replace the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy for Nurses (GIN) platform. It should be noted that any existing content uploaded to GIN will not be transferred to JETS workforce. The JAG office anticipates a 6-month overlap period in which all trainees are expected to re-upload their evidence and past activity.
Further information about the training programme can be found in our recent publication on the British Society of Gastroenterology's web education platform: