Paediatric endoscopy

Service quality improvement

A paediatric Global Rating Scale (GRS) was developed and launched in October 2017. All endoscopy services which undertake procedures on patients aged under 16 were encouraged to complete it annually to support quality assurance and to drive quality improvement. Following feedback from stakeholders it was decided that the paediatric GRS needed to be updated.

Certification of individuals

To support services to train a safe and highly skilled workforce, JAG have a set of standards and a uniform training pathway for all endoscopists to use in the UK. The criteria that each endoscopist must meet are set at a level which ensures each endoscopist demonstrates they are performing endoscopy at a level that is appropriate for them to work independently.

This process is managed via our website at For paediatrics there is certification in upper GI and colonoscopy, the criteria have been developed in collaboration with the BSPGHAN endoscopy committee. However, changes are being made to these pathways. You can keep up to date with progress on these pathways via the JAG Endoscopy Training website.


We are pleased to announce the commencement of the consultation period for the paediatric Global Rating Scale (GRS). The GRS aims to enhance the quality of paediatric care by providing a standardised framework for evaluating clinical performance.

The consultation period will officially open on Monday 2 October 2023 until Monday 6 November 2023. During this consultation period, we seek the input of our esteemed members and stakeholders to refine and enhance the Paediatric GRS. Your expertise and insights are vital in ensuring that the GRS accurately reflects the complexities and nuances of paediatric care.

We invite all participants to review the document thoroughly (Available here) and submit any comments or feedback to 

Your participation in this consultation process is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to receiving your valuable feedback.


Dr Nadeem Ahmad Afzal MD, MBBS, MRCP, MRCPCH 

Associate Professor (Visiting), University of Portsmouth 
Consultant in Paediatric Gastroenterology, Southampton Children’s Hospital 
Chair Endoscopy Working Group, 
British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN) 
Paediatric Endoscopy Working Group members, BSPGHAN contributing to position statement - Iaian Chalmers, Lucy Howarth, Dharamveer Basude, Krishna Soondrum, Subarinathan Loganathan, Shishu Sharma, Vinod Kolimarala & Naomi McMahon. 
I would like to thank the JAG team for their time, feedback, and expertise in evolving this proposal. I would also like to extend my thanks to Keith Lindley, President of BSPGHAN, for all his advice and support, as well as the wider BSPGHAN membership. 


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