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The Best Practice Tariff for endoscopy in England aims to provide a financial incentive to promote improved and consistent standards across endoscopy services. Endoscopy services receive a reduction in their tariff payment dependent on their accreditation status, detailed in the table below.
The 2019/20 updated how accreditation status is taken in consideration by the tariff. For more information on the changes, please see this news article.
JAG provides a table of services with their corresponding BPT status in our Download Centre. This is updated at the beginning of each month.
BPT level
Accreditation status
Level 1 - full tariff
The service has been assessed as meeting all of the JAG accreditation standards and is accredited. Only services in this category are considered to hold accreditation.
Level 2 - 2.5% reduction in tariff
Assessed: improvements required
The service was accredited but does not currently meet the JAG standards and has had accreditation deferred for up to six months while improvements are made. Following this, the service would move to accredited or to not awarded.
Level 3 - 5% reduction in tariff
Not awarded
The service was accredited but has subsequently not met the JAG standards and has had accreditation withdrawn.
Not assessed / undergoing assessment
The service has not been assessed or the service has an assessment booked and does not currently hold accreditation.
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