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Contribute to JAG's case of the month series
16 January 2020

JAG is welcoming contributions to the JAG ‘case of the month’ series. 

Each month, JAG publishes a real-life case in endoscopy that has impacted on patient safety. Cases are written for all members of staff and are designed to promote discussion and shared learning. JAG is welcoming submissions from staff from all backgrounds (medical, surgical, nursing and managerial). The case can be anything relevant to endoscopy and can include rare errors as well as frequent ones. 

If you are interested in contributing individually or as a group, please complete and send us this proforma or send us a summary of the case (up to 300 words). Cases can be sent to and will be anonymised (including authorship).

Contributing or engaging with the case of the month qualifies as personal CPD’. In recognition of their contribution towards improving safety and the effort that contributors put in, all contributors receive a certificate when their cases are published. Additionally, contributors can opt to have their name included in a published list of authors at the end of the year.

Our previous cases of month can be found at Please follow @JAG_Endoscopy and hashtag #ISREE to follow our discussions on cases and retweet with your views.

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