JAG accreditation would like to invite services to review the proposed new JAG standards and provide feedback. In 2024, JAG invited feedback on the current global rating scale (GRS) and have used feedback to inform the review of the standards.
The current standards are made up of 19 domains and 139 standards, and initial feedback gave a clear message that services felt changes could be made to reduce the duplication of evidence requirements.
The new proposed standards are made up of 11 domains and 87 standards. The new domains encompass all the crucial areas the current standards cover but are more succinct. There is a new domain: person centred care and the grading system has been removed.
JAG are now inviting services to provide their feedback on the new standards proposal using the link below.
JAG standards review survey
JAG standards 2025 document
Please note, this is the initial proposal, and further changes may be made, depending on feedback received and updates to latest national guidelines. JAG also acknowledges that some of the standards still require guidance and evidence requirements.
This phase of consultation will be open until Monday 31 March 2025. If you have any questions regarding the new standards, or want to provide feedback and feel the form does not give you sufficient space to do so, please contact askJAG@rcp.ac.uk.