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JAG Subscription renewals 2025/2026
21 January 2025

 JAG Subscription renewals 2025/2026

JAG subscription renewals are fast approaching. For those services wishing to continue their subscription with JAG and enjoy the benefits of the programme, please refer to the page to familiarise yourself with the amount that your service will need to pay for your 25/26 subscription. 


What your subscription includes:


JAG accreditation, including access to the GRS


  • Helps you to independently measure your service against national standards and reduce variation 

  • It demonstrates your dedication to improvement, patient safety and reducing risk 

  • It can raise your service’s profile 


The JAG Endoscopy Training System (JETS)


  • Record performance on an ePortfolio 

  • Gain certification to undertake endoscopic procedures 

  • Attend high-quality endoscopy training. 


JETS Workforce 

  • Offers training, assessment and appraisal of nurses or equivalent. 


The National Endoscopy Database (NED)


  • Uses data from reporting systems to provide insights into endoscopists’ performance. 



If your service is a training centre, please note that you will also receive a purchase order request for your Bowel Cancer Screener Accreditation (BCSA) subscription, which is separate from your JAG subscription. Kindly keep an eye out for this request and ensure that it is processed accordingly. 




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