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Level A standards - GRS self-assessments
6 October 2022

For services in the UK

You may have noticed a change in our GRS standards if you opened a self-assessment recently. We have removed the level A standards from your self-assessment tool on your assessment dashboard.

The JAG Office has implemented this change to make your evidence upload easier and faster. To recap the GRS standards levels;

Level C standards are considered basic practice, and should be undertaken as a minimum.
Level B standards are considered best practice, and should be met to deliver high-quality care.
Level A standards are exemplary practice which goes above and beyond best practice. All services are encouraged to aim towards this level.

Your service must be meeting all level B and C standards to move forwards with accreditation. Level A standards are not mandatory, which is why they have been removed as a requirement for your evidence upload. For more information about the standards, please see our GRS Standards Booklet on our resources page.

If you are meeting the A level standards, our assessors will recognise this when they conduct an onsite visit or review your evidence. These accomplishments will still be recognised and congratulated in your assessment report.

Please get in touch if you have any queries via our contact page.

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